Late 1970-'s...
Arizona... Riding in the Tonto late in summer. I rounded a corner
I had rounded a zillion times, and there in a little pool in the creek, was an
Illegal, ( for you easterners, thats a Mexican that has crossed into US
illegaly) Buck neked, taking a bath! Narrow trail - small pool,
No place for either of us to go but on with what we were doing. I rode on
by averting my eyes, and he sat down real fast.. As I passed I said good morning
in Spanish, gotta say something... he said good morning and asked if
I knew where he could find work. I said I didn't know, and he said thanks. I
asked if he had food, or was he lost, he said he had food and
was not lost. He had been thru that part of the country before. I still
have the horse I was riding that day, she is 27.yo. She is my heart. Annie