Anyway, he ate and drank like a pro at the 3rd check and this time, our view
from our "spot" allowed us to see the riders a little ways over as they finished
the 4 mile loop that comes around and behind the check on the way back to
camp...he watched all the horses with much interest and when it was time to
saddle up, he was itching to go out there and find those horses, he didn't care
that we were an hour behind!! The last loop was awesome and I was very proud and
happy to be a part of this team... I let Malik teach me again how to let him
guide ME. Though I try to watch and warn him of tricky spots with rocks and
roots, etc., I also sometimes simply let the reins lay loose in my hands and
tell him to take me through it and there are some nasty tricky spots on this
trail with deep, deep sand and some downhill with washouts and rocks and roots
that in the past, I have always walked through. But when I ask him to be careful
and get us through, he does....every ride I gain more and more confidence in my
ability and in my horse. He is an amazing creature. We are now going faster and
stronger than ever together. It's such a rush! He knows how to break into a
canter at just the right place going downhill before he hits the bottom and we
start going first it scared the crap out of me but he is very adept
at it and knows exactly what he's doing. I didn't teach him that though I read
about it in one of Lew Hollander's books. In fact, in a couple of attempts at
guiding (foolish human that I am), I was at fault for causing a fumble. In a
couple of tricky spots in particular where the trail virtually diverges into two
paths, he knew EXACTLY which direction to go in (I did, too though...I was just
testing him!). And in trying to correct my posture during one of his cantering
surges, I caused him to lose momentum and stumble a bit. He recovered in spite
of his stupid human! He is an amazing horse. Sorry to keep repeating myself. I
worry that I am not going to be able to ride him to his potential but I'm going
to give it my best shot!!
Anyway, to make a long story short, we finished our ride in just over 5 hours
and in 8th place (51 minutes behind Wendy Peterson who was first to finish and
Linda Hamrick who was 2nd...Wendy gallantly came back to help Linda after
Linda's horse spooked about two miles from the finish and she came off...aren't
endurance riders wonderful??). I think our official time will be 5:14. I find
that very respectable and am pleased with how our ride turned out. Malik vetted
out with all As. In spite of being so far behind in time, we were only 10 points
from Best Condition which went to Shelley Dake and Count Chaska. And they are
pros with great vet scores...that's one thing I am always impressed by-the great
vet scores both Gene and Shelley get with their horses and I aspire to that
myself, not because I want Best Condition (well, yes, I do) but because high vet
scores should be a top priority OVER fast times. Being able to combine the two
takes some strategy and experience and KNOWING your horse and your TEAM. I
continue to work on all of that.