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[RC] Whiskeytown Chaser - Renie Burnett

In spite of being drenched, cold, lost and humbled,  absolutely had the MOST FUN I'VE HAD ALL YEAR!!  Thank you, Shelley and your crew.
Late Friday night, I felt the raindrops spatter through the trailer slots onto my face.  Gonna be wet for the ride... My horse, aptly named RGR Spring Reign, fidgeted most of the night.  It was her first ride, all was new and strange to her.  The start was quiet, I had ridden the ride before and knew some of the trails.  Well, Whiskeytown has a LOT of trails, and suddenly the ribbons were gone; poof!! I knew instantly they had been taken down;  Shelly Nelson and her crew mark a good trail.  We finally got headed back the right way. And it started raining harder. It's a tough ride, folks, and the powerline trail goes up and down for a long time.  Got to the vet for P&R and trot check, ok, let's go.  Followed the trail along Brandy Creek; the water was deafening and raging and roaring.  Got to the intersection, checked the ribbons, yep, there they are took off and suddenly got the sickening feeling a few miles out, This looks way too familiar.  And, it's raining harder, and sideways, and very windy.  And bitter cold.., hypothermia setting in, foggy brain and foggy terrain...Pretty neat, as I think back now, to being in the mountains, with Mother Nature throwing it at us, what a GREAT TIME I HAD!!   Renie