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Re: [RC] West Nile Seminar - Heidi Smith

>>6)3 injections on foals starting at age 4 months
>>I'd say that depends on where you live and what the incidence is--and what time the foals are born.  eg:  We foal in the summer, at the peak of mosquito season, so there would be no reason to start vaccinating foals in September or October (or in the case of the fillies I just weaned, in December).  If you had a February baby, and lived in a high-risk area, then yes.  Otherwise, use some common sense and correlate with peak mosquito season, just like you would with an adult.
>Down in FL there are very few cases till August but they have peaked in October and November. You also will hear of cases in Dec and Jan. It takes a bird and a mosquito. It takes time for the birds to get infected and it only takes one mosquito.
:-)  I guess that falls under the "where you live" category...  One advantage to living in the Frozen North is that the skeeters die in about September...

[RC] West Nile Seminar, Drin Becker
Re: [RC] West Nile Seminar, Heidi Smith
Re: [RC] West Nile Seminar, Truman Prevatt