>> but I think the pulses are more
strictly and accurately monitored)
How's that, Steph? ---Frank >>
Opinion only, no factual basis. Most FEI
rides use electronic hr monitors. Most domestic rides use watches and
stethoscopes. I've never had to wait more than 60 sec for a pulse on an FEI
ride. Very often at domestic rides it may be several minutes before the pulse
taker gets a good reading. Very often at domestic rides it may be several
minutes before a pulse-taker is even available. Most pulse-takers at FEI rides
understand the pressure of the 'race' and the need for accuracy and
efficiency, they are approved FEI officials, with a few courses under their
belts. Most pulse-takers at domestic rides are friends, family or volunteers.
These are only generalizations. There are always
exceptions, there are always differences between regions, ride managers, and
would even go so far as to generalize that FEI rides are run more strictly in
every sense - including actual mileages, holds and vetting procedures,
in-time/out-time, etc. etc.