[RC] Orphaned Foal - Tamara Alice TaylorHello there,Here are some sites regarding raising orphan foals: http://www.diamondv.com/species/equine/articles/Feeding_Care_Orphan_Foal.pdf http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/horse/g1237.htm cvmstudent.cvm.msu.edu/cvm2004/VIPS%20Presentations/OrphanFoalManagement.ppt http://www.mofoxtrot.com/nursing_foal_management.htm Here is a site that sells milk replacer pellets. From my understanding they supply the same level of nutriotion as milk replacer but are easier to feed. http://www.lolmilkreplacer.com/contents/foal/foal.asp?page=2 When I worked in a dairy barn the calves were bottle fed for the first one or two feedings then immediately put onto the bucket and they did fine. I know comparing cattle and horses is like comparing apples and oranges but the point is that the bottle/suckling aspect was not necessary to their growth and survival. Best of luck to your friend and sorry to hear about the loss of the mare, Tamara
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