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[RC] NASTR's Derby Ditch registration -
Steph Teeter
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Ridecamp Guest
[RC] National Championship Awards - Hickory Ridge Arabians
Hello Everyone,
I would like to say that the AERC National Championship Awards are
in the AERC budget. If we do not get a sponsor, AERC pays for them up to $3,000.
A big THANK YOU TO Gail and Paul Zeck!!!
The top THREE of each weight division were given a year-end award.
The first place received a jacket, and a trophy. Second and third place received a shirt.
All the juniors were recognized, we only had
5 finish in the 50. The 100 did not have any juniors.
Best Condition were the red, white and blue coolers.
When we had the National Horse Sports Foundation as a sponsor, they realized all
the winners.
First place received a jacket and trophy, second through
ten received a shirt. Juniors... all were recognized.
The reason I know so much about the awards, I ordered them, I called
all the winners in the top three of their weight divisions to get their
sizes. Believe me, I have the phone bills to prove it!!
I ordered the trophies from Auburn Trophies, Candi from the AERC office picked them up!!
The Glass Best Condition Award was started in 2000. It is donated
by our Ranch, Hickory Ridge Arabians, Jerry & Diane Fruth
On the Convention, where would the members like to see the AERC
National Convention held??? How about St. Louis???
Diane Fruth
past AERC National Championship Chairman
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Ridecamp Guest
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[RC] NASTR's Derby Ditch registration -
Steph Teeter
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[RC] NASTR's Derby Ditch registration