Yes Karen, bad boarding experiences.....I can add to that....horses
dropping weight cause they weren't feeding enough...or heck, just not
getting fed AT ALL...horses not getting turned out for days cause it "might"
sprinkle, horses with open cuts and not calling owners, horses standing in a
foot of manure in their stalls, horses getting moved around the facility like
muscial chairs on a weekly basis, and then theres the good broke
into unlocked feed room, consumed almost 50 lb bag of grain and owner of place
laughing and thinking it was "cute" while my horse was out in pasture in serious
colic....6 hours of hand walking I did and $245 vet bill later not even an
There are some wonderful places out there but they are only about 10% of
the population and they are usually FULL with a waiting list.
On the other side of the coin: there are ALOT of bad boarders making it
hard for us GOOD boarders. Sorry you had such bad experiences with boarders.
Its like daycare.....the best place to board your horses is in your OWN
backyard!! :-)