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Re: [RC] RE: : [RC] Motions before the Board of Directors at the Convention
YEAH Steph, good fer you .. sic em
For all the past years no one knew a damm thing until it passed or
failed and written up in the EN.
AND the BOD actually does have some idea about the issues before we
get there. -- Thanks to Mike Maul and the BOD list.
Should be an interesting 4 days.
I get in on Wed
Roger R DAL
Monday, February 25, 2002, 11:14:22 PM, you wrote:
ST> I would like to point out that for the last few BOD meetings, Mike Maul has
ST> posted proposed motions on the AERC webpage. This is a major improvement
ST> over the way it has been done in the past (no notification). You can always
ST> find something to gripe about - how about acknowledging the attempts that
ST> are made to 'do it right' and supporting those attempts - and maybe even
ST> making positive suggestions. AERC is in the best shape financially that it's
ST> ever been in - thanks to a vigilant BOD, and an incredible effort by our
ST> treasurer (Vicki Rutter) and the office staff. The organization is healthy.
ST> Can you really expect a perfectly oiled machine-like organization from guys
ST> who wear pantyhose, and women that dress their horses in purple biothane,
ST> and crazies that think riding a hundred miles in one day is fun, and
ST> veterinarians that can still smile after 24 hours of watching horses trot
ST> out, and lawyers who ride funny little ponies all the way across the USA??
ST> :)
ST> Steph
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