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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:42:17 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] "three-circle horse" / conformation analysis - Heidi Smith

    > What does the term "three-circle horse" mean?  Is there a photo
    > of Rio on-line so I can see what you mean?
    Maybe someone else knows of a good side shot of Rio on-line--I've never
    particularly looked, as I know what he looks like in person.
    As to the three-circle concept--it refers to the fact that when one looks at
    a well-balanced body, where there is sufficient lay-back of shoulder and
    sufficient length and depth of hip to match the back, one can draw three
    imaginary circles on the horse, one in the shoulder area, one in the barrel
    area, and one in the hip area, and all three will be round and equal.  I've
    heard of people refer to horses whose backs are supposedly too short, who
    have suggested that a longer back/body is needed in order to have a flexible
    horse.  IF the hip and shoulder are adequate, this does not happen--these
    allegedly "short-backed" horses are simply short all over, so that their
    "circles" are more like upright ovals.  Given a properly proportioned
    "three-circle" horse, the back is indeed quite short itself but the
    underline is considerably longer, as some of a proper underline is actually
    under the "shoulder circle" and the "hip circle" if you can visualize that.
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    [RC] "three-circle horse" / conformation analysis, A. Perez