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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:42:18 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Bah Humbug [RC] Howard's Childishness (ugh) - oddfarm

    "Howard, I  for one am (once again) getting pretty sick of your childishness.  Will you either grow up or go back into hiding?", said Susan Vuturo.
    Yeah, Panty Cabana Boy. Don't you know EVERYONE else who contributes to this site is a grown up, for crying out loud? What, you can't tell? Me either.
    And Randy Eiland wants to know if  members can have their own site and not flame anyone. HA!
    Anyway, maybe Santa will bring you some RC etiquette for Christmas. Maybe he will have enough to share with other ride campers. Won't that be nice?
    And Happy Holidays to all!
    Lisa Salas, The Odd fArm