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    Re: [RC] [PNER] Fw:"New LD riders" - Truman Prevatt

    >From what I've seen of the new proposed LD rule, I'd say just eliminate the 60 pulse finish line - and run it just like the 50's. The new rule complicates the whole thing to the point that I fear the confusion caused would not worth it. If two time are listed - one crossing the finish line and one when the 60 pulse is met and additional points are not given for placing based on when the pulse is met, you have turned the LD into a race. If there is no additional incentive to get the pulse down fast, then why worry? Those that are out there for "bragging rights" are going to look at the finish line time for their bragging rights. and work like hell to get the horse down in 30 minutes.

    Frankly I don't see the fuss. If a horse cannot do 25 miles and be at 60 pulse in 6 hours is he really ready to be out there?  I've walked a 25 mile LD once my old mare ( for a bet which I won ) in a little over 5 hours. Add a 30 minute hold I had plenty of time since she walked in below parameters.

    So I guess my vote would be if we are going to change it - just make it like the 50's.

    Now this is really scary when I agree with both Howard and MB:-).


    Merryben@xxxxxxx wrote:
    In a message dated 12/24/2002 1:02:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, howard9732@xxxxxxx writes:
    Make the LD
    exactly, and I mean exactly like the 50 miler.  
    It really scares me when I agree with Howard but in this case I do......mb

    Re: [RC] [PNER] Fw:"New LD riders", Merryben