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Re: RC: Trail Access problems Help!!!

on 1/28/02 9:36 AM, beth glover at wrote:

One of our local trails we call Walnut Creek. It is a pretty much
unbuildable creek that runs between a couple of communities...San Dimas and
Covina.  The county put in telephone poles laying on the ground in the
staging area, so you ! have to drive in between them to park. Trouble is,
you cannot tie your horse to the trailer anymore, and it's trick to load
even. The reason for this is to...protect the parking lot from kids doing
donuts.  Did they grade it and smooth it first? NO.  So now there are
permanent ruts with poles. Then they laid telephone poles at the top of each
ravine that leads down or up hill from the creek.  So on a muddy day , you
have to walk your horse over the big poles....(did I say walk? ha ha. good
luck with that, I meant jump) down a slippery muddy boggy bank into a
freezing stream, and back up the other side through a muddy boggy slippery
bank  up hill, and jump over another pole.  Did anyone on this ride list say
that they love to do three day eventing? This is the place. On a green
horse? Disastrous. Frightening. Dangerous.

Beth-Did you know there are great places to park and ride over there at
Puddingstone? We did so on Saturday. You can ride all over there and then
head across the road to Walnut Creek without having to park there. There are
several staging areas there and the ride to Walnut creek is both scenic and
pretty darn safe. We had a group of 8, and passed another group of 8 while
we were there. Though I don't agree that riding in Walnut creek is
dangerous, I do wish they had better access. They also pass out trail maps
at the ranger stations. It is definitely a fun ride there, and no horse will
refuse a water crossing after a trail ride there. Too fun!

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