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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:40:26 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Horse behavior - Marinera

    Hopefully this will not be considered a shameless plug for my book, but 
    rather add something to the present discussion on ride camp concerning 
    training horses whose personalities cover a wide range and, accordingly, need 
    to be handled entirely differently. I do go into this subject in a bit of 
    detail in Ten Feet Tall, Still.  Since writing it, I bought an Arabian mare a 
    little over a year ago who is so sensitive to cues that if I ever struck her 
    it would totally destroy the year's work I have put into her, and I doubt if 
    she would ever get over it. She is fearful and I am dominant.  I have a 
    gelding who regardless of how many times I have turned around and slapped his 
    face (a no-no for many of you, I am sure) for nudging me when my back is 
    turned and pitching me forward into a gate or whatever else is in the way, 
    continues the behavior although he is becoming a bit more wary. But he is 
    certainly indicating disrespect and I have not established myself as 
    dominant.  It all takes time.  It all takes work. It is worth it.
    As several ridecampers stated, you very simply have to observe, watch, take 
    notice, focus on each horse as an individual and establish your relationship 
    according to what that particular horse tells you. 
    And since people ask, in regard to my book, I have made all of my expenses 
    with $6400 now donated to the two trail organization. With a large inventory 
    now all paid for by generous purchasers, it is all gravy ahead.
    Julie Suhr
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