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    [RC] Is a horse that won't tie exceptable - Rides 2 Far

     >>is a horse that won't tie acceptable? 
    Yes and no.
    Knew one non-tying horse who was sold to a rookie. The guy tied the horse
    with about 10' of slack and she got tangled *before* she threw her
    psychotic fit.  She literally broke & tore off a hind leg. They shot her
    with a rifle as she bolted across the field on three legs.  There are a
    LOT of stupid people out there who do a lot of stupid things with
    horses....they tie them to boards that come off the wall and chase them
    around the field, they tie them with the reins while out near a highway,
    and a million other ways either the horse or rider or even a passing
    motorist can get killed.
    On the other hand I have a friend whose horse won't tie to a trailer
    because he was hurt bad while tied to one as a foal. He'll tie on a
    picket line, but not up short.  Doesn't seem to affect any other area of
    his life so they work around it, no big deal.
    I sold a mare who tied fine to some people who tied her with pathetically
    cheap leads etc. until she learned to break ropes. This was a horse who
    learned to do it after tying well.  When I bought her back I knew to just
    tie her to a tree with something that wouldn't break and if I'd had a
    rake handy I'd have whacked her butt with it.  Took her a few tries to
    figure out those days were over.  Nothing I did with her would have
    helped the psycho panicer that tore her leg off though.  I think you can
    help the ones who are spoiled or mad, but the ones who lose their mind I
    won't fool with.
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