----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 7:49
Subject: Re: [RC] half chaps
Some manufacturers do make them shorter than
usual, but the stores never have them in stock. Mine are from Grand
Prix. Had to wait a while to get them, but it was worth it. My
left calf is a full inch larger than the right, so I need the kind with
elastic incorporated into the length of the half-chap in order to get a
good fit.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 9:12
Subject: [RC] half chaps
Well I tried searching the archives and came up with over 350
EEEEK! With my slow computer that would take me all
day. I did search
some, but with no luck. Didn't someone on
this list either post a pattern
or post where you can buy a pattern for
half chaps? I'm a very odd size so
the commercial ones do not
fit. I have short legs with fat calves. So I
thought I would
try my hand at making some. If anyone has a pattern they
send to me....or where I could buy a pattern I would appreciate