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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:39:27 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] RO, Fit to continue - John A. Teeter

    >> ...I would think recording only DNF for results in Endurance News would
    >> adequate, but submitting pull and treatment records to the vet committee
    >> research would be important.
    >> Barbara McCrary
    > WOW Now THAT would solve things!!!
    > Louise Burton
    It does seem reasonable. DNF without bias in the public printing and
    detailed codes in the database for analysis by AERC/Vets. (with the vets
    doing the reporting as they are the ones wanting to hack the data.)
    As to the log books, we essentially have those now in the horse history part
    of the AERC database; Any AERC registered horse can be reviewed easily
    thanks to Mike and Russ. The buying/selling part of the issue is really
    addressed there.
    The for-knowledge of the vet staff at a ride re: any particular horse would
    require a physical log book. But we really rely on the riders to talk with
    the vets about issues which should be watched (as contrasted to Leonard's
    European remarks:).
    Personally, I think that is the right thing to do. While a small minority
    may place their mounts at risk by trying to hide things from the vet, by far
    most of the riders I know would be right up front with the issues and work
    with the vets to make sure issues are managed throughout the ride (maybe
    niave I know, but most endurance riders are deep into it with their
    We don't have the Aussie system of ranking the horses by their experience
    (and using the log book for that too)- but these are two seperate issues and
    should not be confused.
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    Re: [RC] RO, Fit to continue, LOUISE BURTON