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    RE: [RC] Horse/Rider History Books re: PULL CODES - Bob Morris

    I disagree with your statement<<< AERC has never "done
    anything" with the info, constructively or
    otherwise...or if they have, they have not "reported" the
    results to the
    membership.  Why should the members care?>>>
    Unbeknownst to the membership of the AERC, there have been
    many hundreds of hours devoted to the problem of acquiring
    and dissemination data about endurance riding. Our greatest
    problem has been the validity of the data the membership
    supplies us with.  An example that best exemplifies the
    problem was the joining with the Arab Registry so that
    endurance riders could look up their horses record and see
    the pedigree and vs., the breeder look up the pedigree and
    see the endurance record. I personally spent over 100 hours
    delving into the records that contained obviously incorrect
    foaling dates, misspelled horse names, incorrect
    registration numbers and the like. I do know that Mike and
    Russ spent equally as much and I would not doubt much more
    time on their parts.
    I can assure you, if the membership does not care then we
    had best pack this thing in and let it go pieces. Just let
    us know and we will pull everything off line and forget it.
    I personally have worked on the AERC data problem for over
    15 years. It is not an easy fight as many members are very
    secretive about any information that might be exposed to the
    public. That is, any information except top placing and
    awards they might receive.
    So, there is work being continuously performed, we are
    trying to get the best of data the membership is willing to
    afford us, we will qualify all reports with a disclaimer to
    the effect that the results are based on the misinformation
    supplied by the AERC Membership.
    Bob Morris
    Morris Endurance Enterprises
    Boise, ID
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Jim
    Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 7:40 AM
    To: Bob Morris; Ridecamp
    Subject: Re: [RC] Horse/Rider History Books re: PULL CODES
    OK, in IMHO, here are two reasons:
    1. AERC has never "done anything" with the info,
    constructively or
    otherwise...or if they have, they have not "reported" the
    results to the
    membership.  Why should the members care?
    2. At best, only limited "education and guidance" has been
    available to the membership on the need for accurate
    reporting of the
    data, why we need it, what it will be used for, and feedback
    on what
    actions have been taken because of the data relative to the
    welfare of
    the horse.
    It's sorta like voting in Florida....why bother to vote if I
    don't even
    know if it will be counted? <grin> No offense, T and
    I think a paragraph describing the pull codes, their use,
    and a few
    words beseeching riders and vets to be accurate, along with
    a sentence
    or two about their use should be on EVERY ride entry form,
    just like the
    disclaimer...could even make it part of it. Easy for the
    vets to see,
    easy for the riders to check.
    I would like to see a yearly report online and in EN on the
    number and
    percentage of horses that were pulled for each code.
    I would like to see a yearly report on horse deaths and at
    least some
    details regarding the circumstances.
    Want riders to report the data consistently and accurately?
    Give them
    something to justify their participation...horse welfare is
    a powerful
    tool, and I hope a primary motivator to all of us.
    Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic
    Bob Morris wrote:
    We were starting out asking the simple basics of the cause
    of the horse
    being eliminated from the ride. Was the basic cause related
    to two
    categories? First, the Horse or the Rider? Then when that is
    if the cause was the horse, the question became Lame or
    Metabolic? End
    of questions! Simple was it not?  Two little simple
    questions answerable
    by one word in each instance. Hardly takes much thought. But
    we cannot
    get those answers because people, for some unknown reason
    cannot, will
    not, do not want to, answer with one of those choices,
    Again, Was the
    basic cause horse or rider. If horse, was the basic cause
    lameness of
    Now, you tell me why the membership cannot conform with such
    a simple
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    Re: [RC] Horse/Rider History Books re: PULL CODES, Jim Holland