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    Re: [RC] National IAHA Championship on TV - Heidi Smith

    Really, it all depends on the course.  I've vetted some sub-9 100's and I've ridden one (I was only in 6th place, if memory serves, with a time of 8:46), and the horses looked just fine and could have gone out and done another leg or two with ease.  There are some sub-8 100's on the books as well (I think I've vetted one), and again, if the pace is appropriate for the terrain, the weather conditions, and the fitness levels of the horses, where's the beef? 
    I was at Fort Howes, and I saw the horses vetted at the finish.  I do think they were ridden a bit hard there, but I think the fault is that so much emphasis was put on the one ride, with it being both FEI and the IAHA championship.  The course had a lot of good room to move out, and the weather was ideal.  A 9-hour time would have been quite appropriate.  As it was, watching the BC judging, I would have been more than happy to have taken the 5th (I think he was 5th) place horse, SAR Tiki Stranger, right back out again to ride for help for Custer, and Red didn't look at all out of sorts, either.  Several others looked tired, but were sound and willing--maybe not ready to outrun the Sioux in a pinch, but certainly not suffering any ill effects from the ride.  The vets were also quite strict, and did a good job, IMO. 
    As for 8-hour 50's--yeah, I won one once in 8:20, but I've also been an also-ran at 3:06, with horses perfectly fine at the end.  Again, it depends on terrain and weather.  If I do 50 in 8 hours, on most rides, I'd expect to be well back in the pack.
    Sorry, but I think your statements that such a pace is "profoundly idiotic" or "cruel" are way off base.
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 9:24 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] National IAHA Championship on TV

    In a message dated 11/8/2002 6:04:47 AM Pacific Standard Time, bolinger@xxxxxxxxxx writes:

    Look at the winning time for that race...It was something ridiculous like 8 1/2 hours for 100 miles.

    WHAT?????? Oh GOOD GOD! What idiot is riding their horse at thsi kind of pace? If what you saw you saw - and of course, you wouldn't bring it up if you didn't - clearly that pace was profoundly idiotic - and cruel. I cannot imagine what I would tell MY horsey friends in that instance. 8 hours is a respectable finishing time for a lot of 50 MILERS!!!! I don't know about you guys but I am appalled.

    Re: [RC] National IAHA Championship on TV, SandyDSA