Actually most horses are dominantly left footed or should I say hooved? This is why ridden horses race to the left on tracks. I don't know if the buggy/shurry horses race to the left also.. anyone? The majority of the horses I have worked with preferred the left also. Has anyone else noticed anything similar? Also I have found out that with my guy being left hoof dominate and me being right handed, posting to the diagonals evenly seems to be easy to us (as long as I'm paying attention as to how long we have been on one or the other), but when he gets tired he does "bump" me to the preferred side- left I agree that if you work on the opposite side you will eventually make the weaker side stronger than it was.. just remember that's the "weak" side and can't take as much work as the "stronger" side Just my 2 cents.. Debra & Knevermore {yep.. I'm definably a leftie} ----- Original Message ----- From: Howard Bramhall Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 10:43 AM To: ridecamp Subject: Re: [RC] Canter vs Extended Trot < the weaker side, which always seems to be the left diagonal (are almost all horses right hoofed?) you will make the weak side stronger and balance out the horse more.>
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