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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:15 GMT 2003
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    [RC] re: RC WNV update - oddfarm

    OH Pantyman, you can be so funny then you have to say things like,
     These folks have left the world of "reality" and entered some sort of delusional moronic twilight zone where true science does not exist.  Pity their horses.
    What I wouldn't give to leave the world of reality. However, I am not in the moronic twilight zone, either.
    I chose not to vaccinate for WNV. At the time the vaccines came out our animal control was offering free shots for all equines in our county. They made it sound like our horses were at death's door if we didn't vaccinate. At that time, only about 100 horses were used in the "research" on the effectiveness.
    Since that time, I have talked with several vets, including the vets at the University and they all said the best way to protect against any disease carried by mosquitoes was mosquito management. Fans, spraying, keeping them in stalls between dusk and dawn and not letting water stand around.
    We already do that. Plus, our little Odd fArm is right in the middle of Pinellas County and we are surrounded by big cities. So, we have a lot of spraying going on in the neighborhoods. So none of us will get WNV, but we could die of cancer from the chemical. What are ya gonna do?
    I'll bet most of the horses that have gotten WNV live in the country and have larger pastures. It is not as easy to keep standing water out of a 10+ acre pasture. And more than likely, they are not getting bombarded with cancer chemicals. And more than likely, they are out 24/7.
    Oh, if I could give that to my horses, I would vaccinate, happily!
    I vaccinated against Potomac Horse Fever for the first 5 years I did endurance. I'll bet your vet doesn't recommend that shot when you travel out of state or at any time for that matter. It's because it didn't work. But it took them that long to figure that out. Last time I read anything about it, they still were not sure if it came from the water in the river or the snail that lives in the river. If someone has an update on that, please share. Science, Howie, doesn't alway have the last word. There are plenty of muddy studies.
    So Howie baby, some of us have made just as much an educated decision NOT to vaccinate. Maybe next year, when we have more info on whether or not the vaccines work, I'll  change my mind.
    I may be mistaken, but I am never wrong! :) Ask Wendy.
    Lisa Salas, The Odd fArm
    Our favorite shots are Absolute. Now that will take you out the the world of reality! Someday Pantyman, we can all go together. Won't that be fun?