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    Re: [RC] Ringers in NC - Carolyn Loedeman

    Wow I do agree with that one, but with any sport it just so happens that if there is a way to cheat there will be people who try and yes they should be punished and I think quite harshly, and then maybe there would not be so many cheaters.  I know of a few that have used different substance on their horses and the ones who always try to find the shortest way instead of going the correct trail.  Those should be, that have been caught should be on probation or worse for their crimes.  And then I just have to say what I said to my kids in school when I was teaching, Cheaters only gain a little at the time, but pay for the rest of their lives!  In that they did not learn the subject and when caught there was always someone watching you as they were never sure of you again.
    Take care and ride with the rules!
    Carolyn Loedeman
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:58 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] Ringers in NC

      "There is a concern that in the National Championship this year there =
    was a feeling that some ringers were brought in.  The horses that were =
    supposedly qualified were not the ones that were brought in instead of =
    ringers and the possibility at some future date there will be chips =
    inserted in our horses so that we will know exactly who is there. "

    I guess the question that I am concerned with is why should we be subjected
    to having chips inserted in our horses to keep us honest when the real issue is
    the riders who are trying to cheat ? Why instead would they not be held
    accountable for their actions ?
                                 Drin Becker
                                 Mtn Region

    Re: [RC] Ringers in NC, Drin Becker