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    Re: [RC] yawning?? - Typef

    I get the same thing with my horses. If I just go out and visit, they'll stand around me in a circle and within about 5 minutes they'll all start "yawning" and rolloing their eyes back in their heads. I always thought it was funny and could never figure it out. The only other time I've seen a horse "yawn" was the first time I took my mare out for a longer-than-usual ride and trailered her 45 minutes home. When she got out of the trailer I'm assuming she had a mild tie-up because she kept running around in circle, stopping, trying to reach her back leg with her teeth like she wanted to scratch it, alternating that with stretching her neck down and yawning. Only went on for about one minute but it scared me. I assumed the "yawning" was a way of relaxing her muscles.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Sally Ann
    Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 2:32 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC] yawning??

      I agree that some horses may be yawning because of an eating habbit or something similar, but I am 100% positive that my horse (Dillon) yawns as a behavioral thing. I am known to spend hours in his pasture or just with him in general. He follows me around like a big puppy. If I stand still long enough he will get as close as physically possible and just yawn and lick my hand, etc. And can that boy ever yawn, he rolls his eyes back and opens that mouth as far as possible. It is so cute (also wierd to other people). He is so loving and it is almost as if he is grooming and socializing. He has never bitten me or even attempted and I have had him for over three years, so I know that is not the deal. I believe it is just some horse talk that I have not totally figured out yet. Anyway, I hope this helps or just entertains..  :)


    ~Dillon and Quincy


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    Re: [RC] yawning??, Sally Ann