Thanks to all who responded concerning my questions on training and feeding my new not-so-sure-humans-are-all-that-great Arab mare. She's getting a wee bit friendlier everyday. I also e-mailed Susan G. and bless her soul, she responded too.
Next question: My TWH/QH mare who I did some LDs on has a pretty decent case of White Line......I've never dealt with this before and am clueless. I've been using iodine per farriers suggestions....not much luck. In fact, between that and the dry weather she looks like she is 3 weeks overdue, when she was just trimmed 3 weeks ago. Help!
Thanks in advance (again),
Btw, (to the SEers) I'll be bringing pics of the new girl with me to Far Out Forest this weekend, which I'll make you look at while I sponge your horse for you. ;)