Still doing laundry, tent is on porch still drying, it is raining here too. Forgot my son got to volunteer too. He is a boy scout, ham radio operator, nursery worker, computer builder, etc. Likes to help. Well Vicki Parker RM said he was hanging around and finally came up with a job for him to do. Sent him out to guard the trail so people didn't cut thru the dams. I said just make sure he has food and drink (he is almost 6 ft. and 210 at 15). He had a great time, and she gave him a special award (nice cup) for staying out 8 hours, and not giving up. She said he just loved being the policeman, (he is the type). She did forget the umbrella, and he did get a sunburned face. (But he does to do sunblock at home too). But had a great time. That evening they gave the kids glowsticks and they played on the playground till bedtime. Then Vicki took a bunch of the juniors and Ellery in her pickup with chairs in the back to go out and find the last 100 miler and follow him in. Good thing as he went the wrong turn I think for a mile . Ellery said he'd asked Vicki , why the snorkel on her truck, she said , she had to to cross the creek. He said she started crossing the creek and it came up into the bed and the kids were jumping up to get out of the water.(this could be an exageration ):) I think Vicki was a wonderful Ride manager. I don't know if she did it perfect, but she impressed me with her ride. The vets were great. The only thing I heard them grumble about, was "let em eat, why won't they let them eat, the horse is hungry, let'em eat." I know from reading ridecamp that many people don't because they say their pulse goes up, hhhmmm.This was after the pulse down and during the vet check. Horns of a dilemia here. . . Not sure which tack to take. . .I wonder what Val does?????Her horses looked great, like a walk in the park to them. Second thing the vets said, was, . "why don't they scrape the water off???? " Because people were wetting the horses, but not scraping it off. They said get a right and lefthanded scraper (duh, I thought , a right and left and handed scraper????, Idiot!!, they meant a person on right and left scraping the horse, double duh.:} Because the water goes on and if not scraped off acts as in insulation layer and holds the heat in. You've got to get the water off to get the heat off. Or you can use your hand. The other thing I saw was some people had standing martingales and some had what looked like tiedowns, I thought people said these could be a real danger if the horse tripped, not to mention if crossing fairly deep water. I saw running martingales, but I believe those aren't a danger. Anyone enlighten us? The heat wasn't expected (87) , but there were horses there that had winter coats coming in and I was surprised weren't clipped. Rascals has just come in and he is starting to sweat with it, (miracle), and I have to clip him soon. Any ideas about clipping? He thinks he is a shetland pony. I did a body clip last year, and trace clips before. But I heard endurance riders leave hair on croup and butt muscles so they don't cramp up? I have to do some clip as it takes too long to get the mud off and it is so varible with the weather here in Ga. in winter , can go from 30's to 70's all winter long. I blanket of course if I body clip. Well got to go play around with my new saddle. Learned on my wild ride this weekend that having a problem with sliding around in my tights and stirrups. hhhmmm ,I am going to make a saddle cover out of syn. fleece (need padding) .I also need to maybe make deeper cages for my stirrups so I can get my foot in further. Maybe I need to add a leather patch to my seat.Or change stirrups, legs are shifting forward more than I like when he gets up to his wild trot. Aussie Longreach endurance saddle with endurance stirrups..Hope this isn't a saddle problem. May just be a barrel shape horse problem. Or I haven't gotten use to this saddle yet. Not been a problem much till he decides to go all out.He is bouncey and shortbacked when he goes all out in his trot, you can't rise fast enough on a post. Maybe I just need to 2pt. Well great ride at Liberty run, need to bring fishing poles next time. Talledeaga here we come!!!(Rascal and buddy Champ are going on pleasure ride, Rascal needs all the "going to town" he can get:} ) Laurie and Rascal
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