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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:08 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Thoughts
  • - Brenda L. Kossowan
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  • - Jim Holland

    [RC] Thoughts - Rides 2 Far

    However, I have > accepted 
    > weight divisions because that is what the majority wants. It is not > a
    big > issue with me.
    Well said. I'd like to see the National Championships have a minimum
    weight like international, then focus on top 10. At Big South Fork this
    fall the co-winner on Saturday weighed in at 275! I've looked at the size
    of some of these horses the heavyweights are riding and I'll bet my 165
    lbs. is at least as great a percentage of Kaboot's body weight as their
    211 lbs is of theirs.  I've felt bad before when someone from a higher
    weight division than myself finished ahead of me, but were 2nd in their
    division...then I got a "1st lightweight" award and they got nothing for
    carrying more weight and going faster!  The weight divisions sometimes
    hurt more than help to reward the extra work. 
    Julie, do you have the article the Western States Foundation printed when
    they dropped the minimum weight requirement?
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