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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:46 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Thoughts - Jim Holland

    It CAN happen to anybody, even when you do everything right. You can be
    an excellent driver, and still have an accident. Chastising everyone who
    has lost a horse is not a reasonable approach. When a horse dies, we all
    grieve, even when it doesn't belong to us. The conditions surrounding
    the death of a horse are what we need to focus on. Over time, if we
    document EXACTLY what happened, determine if there was anything that
    could have been done to prevent it, and get that information out, in
    detail, to the membership.  
    Over time, historical data on horse deaths can be extremely useful in
    For example, let's say that we looked at horse deaths over the last 5
    years and found that, say 40% of the horse deaths caused by metabolic
    failure were at rides with only one vet check per 50 miles. (No
    statistics here, just fer instance) What this might generate is a
    recommendation from the Vet Committee that our rules be modified to
    require x number of vet checks at x miles.
    Jim, Sun of Dimanche, and Mahada Magic
    Marinera@xxxxxxx wrote:
    > In regard to horse fatalities, to paint everyone with a black brush who has
    > lost a horse is being incredibly blind. Anyone who thinks it can't happen to
    > them, in total absence of abuse, is living in a fantasy world.
    > Julie Suhr
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    [RC] Thoughts, Marinera