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    [RC] Phil Gardner - Tina Rushing

    As many of you know Phil has been hospitalized with a serious medical
    condition.  This crisis has forced a decision to offer one of their
    Roxanne/Karahty daughters for sale.  An endurance.net classified was posted
    tonight.  Sue's cell phone number is listed for contact.  She is spending a
    lot of time at the hospital so if you get her voicemail please leave a short
    message and she will return your call when she is able.
    Sue would like to thank and acknowledge the kindness of the many people who
    have been supportive.
    If you would like to send words of encouragement:
    Sue and Phil Gardner
    P. O. Box 7264
    Auburn, CA  95604-7264
    Sue is not able to send or receive e-mail at this time.  If you have sent a
    message to the Gardner e-mail address please accept this explanation for any
    lack of response.  If you would like to route e-mail messages to me I will
    be happy to print and forward them.
    Please keep Phil in your thoughts and ride like there is no tomorrow.
    Tina Rushing   tina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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