[RC] collarbone advice - Rides 2 Far
Need advice. Dr. says my broken collarbone major displaced. It's a clean
break with about 1.5" overlap. Drs. in Kentucky acted as if there was no
chance anyone would want to do surgery so I didn't hurry back. My doctor
took one look and said it's bad and she would think they may need to do
surgery. Nurse said her aunt had one like mine and it won't heal. I
broke one once before. That time there was a 3" gap between bone ends and
they plated it. I did a 50 5 weeks later and it healed great. Anybody out
there have a major overlap in bone ends? I go see the surgeon in the
morning. They didn't put a brace around my shoulders. Said they don't do
that any more. There's just a strap around my waist that has a tube for
my arm and a sling. Would love to hear from people who had lots of
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