[RC] [Guest] Barefoot - a tiring subject, Next please! - Ridecamp Moderator
Laura Tichenor lit959@xxxxxxxxx
Haven't we talked enough about barefoot(ing) horses, isn't there another
board where the subject is being discussed? If so PLEASE somebody post
this so the discussions will go there.
Everytime (it seems) I read ridecamp, there is discussion about barefooting
horses. Am I the only one tired of listening/reading of
this? Delete! Ignore. Skim over it.
Fine, ok, alrighty, gotcha, cool, wow, your horses are ridden barefoot. So
what? To each their own. Free country. Do what you want to do with your
horses, whatever. You ride your horse your way, I will ride mine my
way. Next subject, please.
We seem to keep beating a dead (use your own noun here) over this
issue. Must we keep discussing/arguing it over and over and over and
over . . . . ? When a horse is ridden on the Tevis totally barefoot - no
easy boots - maybe some of us will want to listen up. But until then, not
interested in reading, listening, discussing, nor reading your advertising
for your "farm" at the bottom of your post(s) it anymore.
What works for some horses may not work for all horses. It is the same for
bits, bridles, saddles, riding techniques, etc. Maybe Steph can set up an
entire separate ridecamp for unshod horses to be discussed.
Laura T, yes an AERC member whom is sending in her voting ballot.
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