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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:25 GMT 2003
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    [RC] [Guest] We are not your enemy... - Ridecamp Moderator

    Michael R. Schuppenhauer schuppenhauer@xxxxxxxxxx

    I saw this line on a bus in San Francisco. "We are not your enemy, we are your community." It was referring to hate crimes.

    I read the recently proposed changes to the AERC Bylaws. There has been discussion around them on ridecamp. I believe there are useful and some less useful things in there. One thing prompted me to vote:

    Full members have to be either US or Canadian citizen. Reason: "To make the bylaws simpler". The difference would be that non-US and non-Canadians can not vote. No further explanation as to the resulting "complication", i.e. from having Europeans vote, is available.

    With all due respect, I am a legal resident in the US, the country claiming the oldest democracy as its heritage - one (wo-)man, one vote.

    I am also a member of several respected sport and professional societies in this country as well as internationally. None of them has a citizenship requirement or connection to membership and voting, none of them needed to "simplify bylaws", members are united by cause and not by citizenship. In fact, I am not even sure there is a rationale possible in a sport targeted association to have an element of citizenship be important, even more the American (!) Chemical Society recently proposed to include non-residents in their full membership charter, they only differentiate between residents and non-residents and not US vs. Non-US citizens. What would make a US or Canadian rider a more causeful member than a Swedish one ?

    On a practical note: A citizenship requirement will be hard if not impossible to check as only around half of the US population has a passport as relevant document. It would only be relevant for international competition anyway, which is not ruled by AERC but US Equestrian/FEI (see FEI ruling). Further, the nationality at international events is ruled somewhat different from actual citizenship (see FEI rules). In fact, what is the actual legal difference between a Canadian member and a British member (UK and Canada both members of the Commonwealth, but certrainly both non-US) as compared to a Canadian and a USA member. Also, I am not sure including Canadians in membership but excluding Puerto Ricans and Mexicans (NAFTA) or Europeans is in accordance with applicable law and legal opinion, i.e. the constitution.

    Finally, I believe the introduction of a citizenship criteria in the climate of concern of dominance in this sport is not in line with the Olympic spirit attempting to bring youth TOGETHER.

    Therefore, I see no reason whatsoever to exclude legal residents of the US (and Canada for that matter) from being a full member with voting rights. For practical matters all members should be full members.

    The bylaws need to be changed to reflect residency and not citizenship.

    Michael R. Schuppenhauer, Ph.D.

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    If you are an AERC member - PLEASE VOTE in the upcoming By-Laws Election!!!! (it takes 2/3rds to tango!!)
