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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:25 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] thinking about detergent? - Heidi Smith

    > Does this mean that if a Californian wins it will be appropriate to wear
    > a flourescent halter bra and tiger skin tights?   It's definately their
    > native garb.  I guess as a Southerner I'll have to wear Daisy Dukes and a
    > rebel flag baseball cap. >g<
    <snork>  Actually, to be comparable to the Arab native dress, in the
    tradition of Californio horsemanship, I'd think a Californian would have to
    dress like a vaquero, with long tapaderos, a big wooden saddle horn, and a
    spade bit.  And you, Angie, would have to go as General Lee or Stonewall
    Jackson, or maybe Longstreet....
    PS:  I know, I know, wrong side of the War Between the States for a good
    Rebel gal like Angie, but one of my favorite quotes was one of Lincoln's
    replies to one of his incompetent early generals (Burnsides, I think) who
    had written to Lincoln from his "headquarters in the saddle."  Abe wrote
    back, "Your headquarters are where your hindquarters ought to be."
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    Re: [RC] thinking about detergent?, Rides 2 Far