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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:26 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Sports Saddle Question - JANUSTUDIO

    In a message dated 9/18/02 9:36:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
    AprJhn@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
    << How would you ride steep downhills if you had no stirrups? I agree with 
    Susan. Tuck the rear end and lean back. It's how I learned bareback. There've 
    gotta be some similarities between bareback and saddle riding. :)
    I can tell you that if you ride your horse down a steep downhill in NATRC  
    like that, you will get dinged, dinged dinged. I know! <g> I just got a big 
    point off while negotiating a steep drop off for sitting in the saddle. agh, 
    can never it right. . . <g>
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