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    Re: [RC] trailer loading - Bob & Amber Roberts

    At 12:36 AM 9/3/2002 +0000, you wrote:
    >Sherie taylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    >I need trailer loading suggestions.?? I have a 6 year old mare that will get her front feet in the trailer, then rush back out.? Sometimes she'll get all the way in, then rush back out.?

    Just today I watched a trailer loading clinic on TV.  Dennis Reis was the trainer.  He put the horse on a 12 ft. lead rope and rope halter.  Lead horse toward trailer, stopped when the horse stopped and just let it rest there a minute.  Then backed the horse up.  Then forward again and stopped when horse stopped. Backed up again.  In other words, he made the horse work away from the trailer and let it rest closer to the trailer.  He continued until the horse got closer and closer to the trailer.  Always backed him up.  Eventually the horse got closer and closer and finally started putting one foot in and then another.  He continued the backing up, letting horse rest near trailer, petted horse near trailer.  Eventually got the horse just about running into the trailer.  Do it when you have time to just work with the horse, not when you need to go anywhere.

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    [RC] trailer loading, Ridecamp Guest