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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:46 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Crude Humor - C. Eyler

    Very good points!  Thank you, Mike.
    > How about trying a different slant on this?  For me, this has nothing to
    > with humor or censorship or any of that.  This is an ENDURANCE LIST!
    > Remember that?  MOST of us are here because of the discussions of real
    > relative to ENDURANCE.  This isn't a chat room...chat rooms are designed
    > people who want to talk about anything at any time, forever.  Every email
    > you send here goes to some 4000 people, ok?
    > For those of you who need more than ridecamp can provide, why not just go
    > Yahoo Groups and start your own email list (for free), perhaps you could
    > name it "Horse Babblers".
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    RE: [RC] Crude Humor, Mike Sofen