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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:50 GMT 2003
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    [RC] MI rides - Larry Miller

    Only makes sense to me that if I am going to a new area to do a ride, I
    would want to know about the trail, availability of water, crew access if I
    were so lucky to have a crew.  As it turns out, those who came from PA, NY
    did ask about water availability.  Others who came from out of state had
    crews.   I have yet to go to a ride where water is copius along the trail or
    even sometimes in camp.  Maybe there is a creek, lake, pump, hand pump, etc.
    I usually carry about 30 gallons of water with me just because I am old and
    it is easier not to haul my water back to my camp.  I want to save my energy
    to ride the horse.  Ride Managers do what they can and I am just plain
    thrilled that someone is willing to put on a ride.  If one hasn't put on a
    ride, try it.  It is one huge learning experience and a pain in the neck.
    And yes, I have put on a ride and helped with numerous others.
     In MI,  water is available in camp and hopefully there is a creek or lake
    at the half way point.  If the vet check is dry, water is hauled.  But the
    rider has to furnish the water.  Managers will find means to haul buckets of
    water with lids to the half way point or even to a point on the trail if it
    is a dry trail.  I think that folks have gotten the wrong idea about MI and
    water.  It is here, it is available, it will be hauled to vet checks for
    you.  BUT, a 250 mile ride across state with different camps is another
    story.  Those who came even not realizing the water issue, only want to come
    back.  We are so lucky to have the S2S and if one hasn't ridden it, then one
    has nothing to complain about.   After all, endurance or competitive riding
    is supposed to be for the horse and rider.  Crews are an added luxury.  If
    one has access to a crew, kiss them and hug them all the time.  Jeanie
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