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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:10 GMT 2003
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    : Re: [RC] Judging Riding Ability - Irene M Burnett

    I also saw the coverage of last year's NC;  yes, endurance riders are some of the awful-est riders out there!!!  There really is a huge difference between just sitting on a horse and letting it take you down the trail and actually RIDING!!  Still photos, videos, mirrors; these are great tools.  They don't lie.  You need not be curled over the horse's neck, with your legs in his flanks to be "riding forward".  And you don't have to have your legs outstretched and stiff to the front, while water-skiing with the reins, to be "balanced".  There are poor riders in every riding discipline, but the problem with many endurance riders is they really think they are good riders because they managed to stay on their horse while it followed a bunch of other horses going down the trail for 50 miles or more.    To add a bit more that will get a lot of people ticked off,  a horse that follows a bunch of other horses down the trail for 50 or 100 miles sure don't mean he's broke, either!!!  Learn to ride properly, wear a helmet, and ride a trained horse.  This is the way to have fun.    Renie 
     aerc #1673