[RC] Helmets - Suzanne M. Boyd
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Lif or anyone else is
saying that wearing a helmet is dangerous. We've all heard of people being
killed/injured inspite of wearing a helmet , NOT BECAUSE they were wearing
one. I won't go so far as to say that has NEVER happened, or could NEVER
happen(I have the utmost faith in Ridecamp), but I think we're all smart
enough to know that is a rarity. I think what Lif is saying(and I agree) is
that whether or not you CHOOSE to wear a helmet, or any safety equipment,
the best way to ensure your safety is to learn to ride. That means work.
Lessons. HOURS in the saddle. Riding your horse when sometimes you just feel
like riding your couch!! I would never criticize someone for wearing or NOT
wearing a helmet. I wear one *most* of the time. I realize that will only
help protect me *most* of the time. I 'll be honest; sometimes I'm too lazy,
forgetful, or just don't feel like it. All stupid reasons. The main reason
I'm really trying to wear it is not because of some near death
experience(although I've had my share of those!), but because one day I was
working a horse(sans helmet) at a barn where I had just starting boarding. A
group of young riders were watching me. And let me just say these girls are
all excellent riders.I'd like to say they were impressed by my fine
equestrian skills.(Just Kidding) As I exited the arena, one of the girls
said, horrified,"You ride WITHOUT a helmet?" What do you say to that? I was
embarrassed that I had set such a poor example. Ever since then I've made a
major effort to wear the damn thing. But that is every American adults'
choice. So wear it or not. But PLEASE, at least learn to ride.
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