-----Original Message----- From:
goearth <goearth@xxxxxxxxxxx> To:
Ridecamp <Ridecamp> Date: Monday, August 19, 2002 12:40
PM Subject: The ROC is cancelled.
"To the Victor go the spoils."...So now since the ROC is
cancelled because Susan doesn't need to fight anymore, its time for the Victors
to enjoy their Victory Lap. Will the Endurance Riding Community in the SW
now have something to compare to the ROC? I'll tell you that we all
know who won but i'll tell you who lost. You did... by loosing a ride that
had Pizazzz. With all the Rides being cancelled because of fire or drought
etc...the sport does not need to hamper RM's, they need to be
embraced. Eat your Vanilla Pudding SW Riders. I just wish the
truth could be told. Because i have no monetary gains
or political aspirations i can lay it on the
line. tom