On Sun, 18 Aug 2002 23:16:36 -0400, Truman Prevatt
<tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The folowing is from rule
"Riders may present their equines for the final examination at a time of
their choosing during the one-hour period. An equine that does not
meet the established criteria within one hour of crossing the finish
line shall be disqualified. "
Hence the rider has not finished the ride until the final exam. I see no
problem with the interpretation that until the final exam the end is a
control point for the rider/horse and the 30 minutes applies. Probably a
bit ambiguous.
I didn't see any ambiguity in the rules quoted in Bob's post, and I
don't see any here either.
"a time of their own choosing ... within one hour of crossing the
finish line ... "
"one hour."
That is clear, concise, precise, and unambigous. One hour is 60
minutes, not 30. 'nuff said.
Unless (and until) something comes from the Board changing the wording
of rule 6, the AERC allows horses in endurance rides one hour to
recover following crossing the finish line. Period.