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    Re: [RC] Newbie ?? - Diane

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Diane
    Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 11:20 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] Newbie ??

    I CAN NOT believe people ignore the ribbons!!
      I sure do not want my horse hurt! Or myself!!
    Thanks Maggie!!, And as always Truman you are the most
    WONDERFUL person, (you always answer my ??)
                    Diane & Brazz
    ----- Original Message -----
    To: Diane
    Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 11:12 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] Newbie ??

    I used rainbow ribbon once.  People ignored it.  I tried yellow...not sure they paid any more attention to it.  A lot of people still don't realize I ride a stallion.  Which is good but also not so good when I have doofus people ride up his butt or cross in front of his face.  He's a good boy but I always have to ride defensively...it's not usually MY horse that is the problem, it's other people who have no brains.  They shouldn't ride up other horses' butts or right in front of them no matter what sex they are!!  Good luck....just don't be afraid to tell people your horse is green and you aren't sure how it will react.  Some people will be offended if you tell them to back off and some will appreciate the heads up.  In either case, safety is the best bet!