I also have an off-track arab, and he's done extremely
well using the Arabian S hackamore - in a matter of a month he learned how to
rate and was very responsive to it from the first day. No martingales or
other add-ons are needed. Now (some 6 years later), I'm experimenting with
other bits including the Myler MB36 tilt-forward bit and the bitless bridle and
he does very well (but differently) in both. For all training rides, I can
use any of the three and prefer to use the Myler bit because of the way I can
balance him up and bend him into curves, but for the first loop of an endurance
ride, I still always use the Arabian S - it has enough "speed
Mike Sofen
I have a ten year old ex-racehorse who is a speed
freak also. He to scares me, I refuse to go to anything other than an
eggbutt snaffle, but I will use a running martingale for leverage. I am
also looking for advice on this matter, so all you experience people, speak