Three weeks ago I have new shoes put on and had the
toes rolled a little and the heels squared because she was clipping her front
shoes when she was tired. No over-reaching just a lotta noise. So that
suggestion was made and I did it. I don't know if this is part of my problem or
not but it's a time coincidence.
Two weeks ago every once in a while, when we were
going a little faster, she'd "step funny" and then limp, limp, limp for 3-4
steps and then go fine again. The first time she did it I thought she stepped on
a rock. Then after a few more I started to wonder. It "seemed" to be the right
hind. Last week I noticed when I returned that she had a big chunk missing from
the inside of her LEFT fetlock. Rememberance bells are going off from 30 years
ago and I'm figuring she's intefering. Well, hell. Now what to I do? So I
stopped riding her for a couple of days and was up talking to my trainer and he
said to get her some interference little suede velcro things and "ride my girl."
So Fed-Ex brought them yesterday and I had a great ride. Tonight she did the
step-funny, limp thing again and sure enough when I got home, that wound was
ouzing. Now I'm wondering if she got up under the boot or she clipped the boot
and the boot just crushed the crusty skin enough to make ot ouze.
I'm worried that I'm going to drive all the way to
Santa Cruz (3.5 hours) and they're gonna say "sorry, you're not riding." My dad
is pretty sure they'll pull her even though I don't think it's that bad. I think
it was healing and the boot did it but how to be sure inbetween now and then I
don't know. I plan on staying off of her and not putting any balm on it so it
can dry out. The may be where I went wrong this last week. I had Bag Balm on
Any comments? Anything would be welcome!!! I'm
worried sick about whether I should go or not.
:0 Jackie