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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:21 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] [RC] Potoato mashing and other complaints - amber applegate

    > Hello all,
    > Well, I do have to agree with you.... the Bashing has gone on for what, OVER
    > a week now, the tevis ran the 20th, today happeneds to be the 30th... Enough
    > is enough.  I have stopped reading the tevis posts because im tired of
    > listening to it all.  I was not into endurance for the last ride, so I do
    > not know how the winner was treated.  But like me and my mom were
    > talking.... I want to one day ride the tevis... So next year, if the SAME
    > bickering and bashing goes on for the winner, i will know that everyone is
    > just jealouse(not saying you all are)  But if it does NOT happen, then I
    > will know that potato did something to tick everyone off....(at the ride
    > that is, if you were NOT riding, there is no reason to be bashing him)  And
    > about the person saying there was NO FOOD AND NO WATER in the stalls.... Did
    > you check every single one of the stalls?  I mean, WALK IN and looking and
    > touch there water bucket, and what time of day was this?  horses were we
    > are, get feed in the morning, lunch and dinner.... so if  or in the field...
    > they have already eaton it....  Also, if you did go into every stall... I
    > would be a little choked, My horse is MY horse, and someone going into his
    > stall, or even snooping around him annoys me, because someone is always
    > looking for a fault so the can run to a board like this(or other boards) and
    > to there GOOD friends, and complain about that person.... "Oh, such and such
    > had no water and no food.... No water bucket even"(while the owner is away
    > getting the water) Then they get a bad rep, and all from someone saying
    > something.  Im sure alot of ppl know each other in the endurance world, and
    > know ppl that were in barn #65.... So please.... if you have a complaint,
    > enought ppl have posted things on here to KNOW were to complain.... don't do
    > it on here and RUIN somones reputation.
    > Sarah + Prozac + Penny
    > Chilliwack BC Canada
    > P.S.  Since there seems to be SO MANY complainers... maybe ridecamp should
    > have a section for were to send you complaints for every single ride....
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    Re: [RC] [RC] Potoato mashing and other complaints, kit kat