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    Re: [RC] bits and... - Joan Ruprecht

    I have done 13,000 plus miles in a hackamore, I really depend on them.
     So,  finally my question is... What type of bits are all of you using out
    there and why?
     All but two of mine (out of 9) go in an old-fashioned hackamore. The type I
    use is hard to find. It has shanks that are wide and stamped out of metal.
    There are no moving parts. Some catalogs call it an english jumping
    hackamore. It really has just a little more whoa than a halter. I like it
    because the shanks are short enough to allow them to eat without the risk of
    stepping on them. With no bit in their mouth, eating and drinking are
    easier. Since I have riding students with different levels of ability, if
    they have heavy hands, the lack of severity of the bit keeps them from
    hurting the horses.
     Maggie Pritchard
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