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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:51 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Shagya OMAN Kids - JUDYK89

    When I first started looking for an endurance horse, I called Bazy Tankerslay (sp? at Al Marah.  I had heard her horses were phenomonal, and was wondering if I could swing one price wise.  She of course was very nice and polite and told me that all she had in my price range was a Shagya/Arab mix.  Not knowing what a Shagya was, and getting it mixed up in my mind with a Bashkir Curly (sp?) I declined and continued my search elsewhere.  I really wish I would have given the Shagya more thought, might have been a completely different 3 years.  As it is, I've bought and sold a few horses that didn't work out and am hopefully on my endurance prospect now.  Oh well, I guess almost every rider out there has stories  about starting out, hopefully someday I'll laugh about all this as I'm riding across a finish line.
