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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:51 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Lame from nail - Rides 2 Far

    > nail had 
    > been in the foot for about two to three hours 
    Lynda & Wentworth Tellington Jones wrote a book where they described some
    treatments that were unconventional. They said that Gypsies didn't remove
    a chunk of wood or anything like that if it pierced a horse...they waited
    until it became coated with pus, then it would slide out without leaving
    bits of splinters, etc. Same with nails I think.  They claimed they tried
    it and the horses did much better than those who had the object removed
    and flushed, etc.  
     I couldn't imagine anyone actually trying that. Then my neighbor called
    me to ask me to come look at her horse's hoof that had a nail in it. I
    expected a little one.  There was a HUGE (over 3" nail) going right in
    the bulb of his hoof and buried almost full length horizontally.  It had
    apparently been there for a while because when I just touched it it
    practically slid right out in my hand, all covered with pus.  The thing
    was, it healed up PERFECTLY...almost immediately.  No antibiotic,
    nothing. He was just fine. (I did insist they let me give him a tetenous
    booster) Still wouldn't have the nerve to try it on my own, but I thought
    that was amazing.
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