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    Re: [RC] Lame from nail - Cocomix3

    My horse sham, just stepped on a nail about two weeks ago. Now, the nail had been in the foot for about two to three hours and he didnt want water on his leg or us to touch it. His entire leg had swelled up!!!!! Looked like a snake had bit him. So we had the vet come out and they kept the nail in and then took e- rays. The reason that they took x-rays was that they wanted to see where exactly it had gone. IF it hit the tendon or what ever. So then we pulled the nail out and it was a rusty old long nail. So we had to take him up to the vet to be treated WITH THE HEAVIEST antibiotics. Then while we were up at almo pintado, the hopsptal we looked at the x-rays and it didn't hit anything thank god!!! But we had to make sure there wasn't an infection so he stayed up there for about five days on heavy penn. and another really strong(expensive) antibiotic. So after the five days we brought him home and we had to rap the hoof for about 1- 2  weeks !!!!

    We didn't think that a nail could do this... But because the nail, we cant go on our race : ( 

    So I JUST wanted to tell you my story with a nail and how we  had to take care of it.

    Hope it helps.

    michelle schifman... and sham