Re: [RC] [RC] FYI - SandyDSA
In a message dated 7/24/2002 4:48:47 AM Pacific Standard Time, plasmatica@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
It has both plusses and minuses...
Plus: Rare bloodlines can get saved faster... I can see where this could
really help the BLUE STARs, being extremely rare
and I think we have to be careful and nto assume that simply becasue somethign is RARE that it is GOOD, as we learned from some top lined SE horses who sported clubby feet, pencil necks and bad dispositions.
Minus: Fads get spread faster, what ever mare wins at Nationals will have
as many foals for the next couple of years as possible, regardless of her
actual merits other than being "a living work of art"
yes, and too many people think that this season's halter champion is quality - well, it might be, but what KIND of quality? As my hsuabnd says at times - yes, they have a LOT of class - and it is all low.
Plus: A truly exceptional mare can make a greater contribution to the
breed, perforance mares can keep up a demanding schedule and still make
Minus: Potential lack of diversity, barn-blindness will run rampant
barn blindness is rampant now, as is ignorance and greed. Scary combo.
For small sport/performance breeders (like me) this ruling would have no
effect what so ever, other than to get to see lots more "cloned" giraffes in
the show ring.
ROFL! Agreed!