I have to say that i am most impressed with the Tevis Coverage
and the entire Web Page. It takes a lot of work by a lot of people to come
up with something this broad and historic. What i'd like to know from
anyone is: who is Barbara White? w/ 25 completions? I also saw a whole slew of
pull factors, some i knew...OT overtime,M Metabolic, RO Rider Option, L Lame,
but others i had never seen before... Rider Ill, Lacerations, Choke, Sore
Withers, Horse Injures, Rider Injuries, P&R, but the one that got 6 were
Tired, does that mean the Rider or the Horse? I had never heard of
that. I enjoyed the coverage as its another hot and humid weekend in
Va. My Congratulations again going out to Potato and the West Virginia
Girl, Wendy Mattingly and ALL the starters and finishers. tom